manojanasuri's component library

I want to make a library which would make all my projects look good and consistent


This is the biggest heading

This is the second biggest heading

Let me show you the normal text. This is free flowing and will wrap at the end like a paragraph.

This paragraph will have a bold text

This is relatively smaller text


fluid container

This is a fluid container and it will go till the end of the page

center container

This is a centered container and it will go till the specified width


Primary Link Secondary Link


This list will not have bullet

unordered list

unordered inline list

reverse ordered list

  1. milk
  2. eggs
  3. bread



manoj anasuri the web developer


white section

This will have white background
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsam beatae eveniet perspiciatis explicabo velit ad voluptate alias consequuntur, ipsa aliquid natus earum nisi maiores veritatis. Ea omnis maiores aperiam expedita ipsam itaque beatae culpa illum assumenda, nesciunt et repellendus eaque.

off white section

This will have grey background
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatibus pariatur saepe reiciendis voluptatem quam necessitatibus porro, recusandae sunt quaerat placeat, laudantium exercitationem id repellendus magni. Obcaecati repellat corrupti, neque quas similique non hic dolores dolor ut minima omnis nostrum quo.
